

Water softener

Water softener Luxembourg: an economical solution against limescale

Limestone is a real enemy in your home. Deposits, obstructions, etc. are the scourges of your daily life, and you would like to find the best solution to get rid of them? Have you tried all the decalcifying products, but limescale persists? Water softener Luxembourg: SoluCalc eliminates limescale at its very source, and allows you to live more simply, in a world without limescale. Its process, using food-grade CO2, is safe for your health and the environment.

Water softener Luxembourg: how does it work?

A CO2 water softener is first of all a natural chemical reaction to transform limestone into calcium bicarbonate. On the one hand, it does not stick to your pipes or to your sanitary and household appliances. On the other hand, it has the property of dissolving in water, and is therefore called non-scaling.

As far as CO2 is concerned, it is the same gas used in beer pumps or sparkling water. Therefore, it does not present any risk to your health. Don’t worry, because CO2 does not change the nature of your water in any way and does not make it sparkling.

The actions of SoluCalc

Protects your household appliances and pipes:

Without limescale or incrusted scale, your appliances have a longer lifespan. Similarly, SoluCalc users report a decrease in their plumbing and piping problems.

Preserves the taste of your water:

The taste of tap water is not altered by food CO2. In other words, you can continue to consume it every day.

Water softener Luxembourg: all the advantages of a traditional softener, but without salt

When you opt for a CO2 softener, you enjoy healthier water while respecting nature. With its innovative system, it does not use salt and does not discharge salt water into the sewers.

In addition, this solution saves you a lot of money. First of all, you won’t have to buy bags of salt as you would with a traditional water softener. Secondly, you no longer need to use a lot of descaling products on your taps. And finally, the decalcification process of SoluCalc does not consume much water.

Order the SoluCalc water softener now!

Say goodbye to limestone throughout your home today. Ask for a free quote, or for the intervention of a SoluCalc approved installer via our contact form.

SoluCalc is also present in the following municipalities:

BruxellesIxellesSaint-GillesWoluwe-saint-Pierre UccleHainaut LiegeNamurLuxembourg

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